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10-Day Calisthenics Meal Plan for Muscle Gain
Jul 9, 2024 | 8 min
10-Day Calisthenics Meal Plan for Muscle Gain

Strength is not just built in the gym; it's crafted in the kitchen. This proverb holds especially true when it comes to callisthenics and muscle gain. Calisthenics, a form of strength training utilising bodyweight exercises, requires physical dedication and a well-structured diet to achieve optimal results. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet fuels your body, aids recovery, and promotes muscle hypertrophy.

This 10-day callisthenics meal plan provides the essential nutrients to support intense workouts, improve overall physical fitness, and achieve muscle gain. Combining the right balance of proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates ensures you get the energy and nutrients necessary to build strength and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Whether you're a callisthenics enthusiast or just starting out, this meal plan will guide you through a journey of strength and nutrition, setting the foundation for lasting physical transformation.

Meal Plan for Muscle Gain

Day 1-3: Foundation Phase

During the foundation phase, the focus is on balanced meals rich in protein, healthy fats, and whole grains to provide sustained energy and support muscle recovery. Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast is crucial for maintaining energy levels.

Breakfast Options:

  • Protein Smoothie: Blend 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 cup of spinach, 1 banana, and 1 cup of almond milk.
  • Whole Grain Muesli with Greek Yogurt and Berries: Combine 1 cup of muesli, 1 cup of Greek yogurt, and 1/2 cup of mixed berries.

Lunch Options:

  • Grilled Chicken Salad: Toss 4 oz of grilled chicken with mixed greens, 1/2 cup of quinoa, and a vinaigrette dressing.
  • Tuna Fish Sandwich: Spread mashed avocado on 2 slices of whole grain bread, add 4 oz of tuna, and slice tomatoes.

Dinner Options:

  • Baked Salmon: Serve 4 oz of baked salmon with 1 cup of brown rice and 1 cup of steamed vegetables.
  • Tofu Stir-Fry: Stir-fry 4 oz of tofu with broccoli, bell peppers, and 1 cup of whole-grain rice.


  • Greek Yogurt with Nuts: Mix 1 cup of yogurt with a handful of almonds.
  • Hummus with Carrot and Cucumber Sticks: Serve 1/2 cup of hummus with sliced carrots and cucumbers.

Day 4-6: Muscle Building Phase

In this phase, the emphasis is on increasing protein intake to support muscle hypertrophy and complex carbohydrates to provide sustained energy for workouts.

Breakfast Options:

  • Scrambled Eggs with Spinach: Scramble 3 eggs with 1 cup of spinach and serve with 1 slice of whole-grain toast.
  • Overnight Oats: Mix 1 cup of rolled oats with 1 cup of almond milk, 2 tbsp chia seeds, and 1/2 cup of fresh fruit. Refrigerate overnight.

Lunch Options:

  • Chickpea and Avocado Salad: Combine 1 cup of chickpeas, 1 diced avocado, mixed greens, and lemon dressing.
  • Turkey Wrap: Fill a whole grain tortilla with 4 slices of turkey breast, 1/2 cup of mixed greens, shredded carrots, bell peppers, and hummus.

Dinner Options:

  • Beef Stir-Fry: Stir-fry 4 oz of beef with mixed vegetables and serve with 1 cup of brown rice.
  • Lentil and Sweet Potato Curry: Cook 1 cup of lentils with 1 diced sweet potato and curry spices, and serve with whole grain naan.


  • Protein Bars: Choose a protein bar with at least 15g.
  • Smoothie: Blend 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 cup of berries, and 1 cup of almond milk.

Day 7-8: Recovery Phase

Recovery is key to muscle growth. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that aid in muscle recovery and provide a balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Breakfast Options:

  • Cottage Cheese with Fresh Fruit: Serve 1 cup of cottage cheese with fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey.
  • Smoothie Bowl: Blend 1 cup of spinach, 1 scoop of protein powder, and 1 cup of almond milk. Top with granola and fresh berries.

Lunch Options:

  • Quinoa and Black Bean Salad: Mix 1 cup of quinoa with 1 cup of black beans, diced avocado, and mixed greens.
  • Tuna and Chickpea Wrap: Combine 1 can of tuna with 1 cup of chickpeas, mixed greens, and a whole grain tortilla.

Dinner Options:

  • Grilled Chicken with Sweet Potato Mash: Serve 4 oz of grilled chicken with mashed sweet potatoes and green beans.
  • Vegan Tempeh Bowl: Cook 4 oz of tempeh with 1 cup of brown rice and sautéed vegetables.


  • Almonds and Dried Fruit Mix: Combine almonds with a handful of dried fruit.

Greek Yogurt with Honey and Walnuts: Serve 1 cup of yoghurt with a drizzle of honey and a handful of walnuts.

Day 9-10: Peak Phase

The peak phase maximises protein and calorie intake to support intense workouts. For optimal performance, incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods.

Breakfast Options:

  • Omelette with Mixed Vegetables: Cook an omelette with 3 eggs and 1 cup of mixed vegetables, and serve with whole-grain toast.
  • Protein Pancakes: Mix 1 scoop of protein powder with pancake batter and top with fresh berries and maple syrup.

Lunch Options:

  • Tuna Salad: Combine 1 can of tuna with mixed greens, boiled eggs, and whole-grain bread.
  • Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry: Stir-fry 4 oz of chicken with mixed vegetables and 1 cup of quinoa.

Dinner Options:

  • Baked Cod: Serve 4 oz of baked cod with roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus.
  • Vegan Chili: Cook 1 cup of black beans with corn and serve with 1 cup of whole grain rice.


  • Cottage Cheese with Pineapple: Mix 1 cup of cottage cheese with pineapple chunks.
  • Protein Shake: Blend 1 scoop of protein powder with 1 banana and 1 cup of almond milk.

Why a Calisthenics Meal Plan for Muscle Gain is Important?

A well-structured meal plan is crucial for muscle gain, especially when engaging in callisthenics, a form of bodyweight training demanding high energy and strength. Here’s why a dedicated callisthenics meal plan for muscle gain is essential:

1. Provides Necessary Fuel for Workouts

Callisthenics requires substantial energy, and a proper meal plan ensures your body has the fuel it needs. Carbohydrates provide immediate energy, while fats offer long-lasting fuel essential for sustaining high-intensity workouts.

2. Supports Muscle Repair and Growth

Protein is a critical component of a callisthenics meal plan. It provides the amino acids needed for muscle repair and growth. Consuming adequate protein helps repair the micro-tears in muscles caused by intense workouts, facilitating muscle hypertrophy and strength gains.

3. Enhances Recovery

A balanced diet with the right mix of macronutrients and micronutrients supports faster recovery. Nutrient-dense foods reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, allowing you to train more frequently and effectively.

4. Optimizes Body Composition

A tailored meal plan helps manage body composition by promoting muscle gain while minimising fat accumulation. This balance is vital for callisthenics, where relative body strength is crucial. Lean muscle mass improves performance and the ability to perform more complex movements.

5. Boosts Overall Health

A well-rounded diet of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants boosts overall health. Nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium play roles in muscle function, bone health, and immune support, which are crucial for consistent training and muscle gain.

6. Maintains Energy Levels

Consistent energy levels are crucial for sustaining the effort required in callisthenics. A structured meal plan ensures steady blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes and fatigue during workouts.

7. Facilitates Effective Weight Management

Callisthenics involves managing one’s body weight for optimal performance. A meal plan helps maintain an ideal weight by balancing calorie intake with expenditure, ensuring one doesn’t gain excess fat that could hinder progress.


A well-structured meal plan is essential for maximising the benefits of callisthenics and achieving muscle gain. This 10-day callisthenics meal plan provides a balanced approach to nutrition, ensuring that your body receives the necessary proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to support intense workouts and muscle recovery. This plan can fuel your body effectively and set the stage for a stronger, healthier you.

Build strength and sculpt your body with Delicut's Calisthenics Meal Plan for Muscle Gain! Take advantage of our exclusive offer—a 15% discount on your first order for a limited time. Our expertly designed meal plan is tailored to support your callisthenics training, helping you build lean muscle and achieve your strength goals. You'll fuel your body for intense workouts and promote muscle recovery with nutritious meals packed with protein and essential nutrients. Take the first step towards a stronger you and try our Calisthenics Meal Plan!



1. What is included in the 10-Day Calisthenics Meal Plan for Muscle Gain?

The 10-Day Calisthenics Meal Plan includes balanced meals focusing on high protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. It features a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as lean meats, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and healthy snacks. The plan is structured into phases to support different aspects of muscle gain and recovery.

2. How does this meal plan support muscle gain specifically for callisthenics?

This meal plan provides the essential nutrients needed for muscle repair and growth, vital for callisthenics. High-protein foods support muscle hypertrophy, while complex carbs and healthy fats ensure sustained energy. The inclusion of nutrient-rich foods aids in quicker recovery and enhances overall performance.

3. What types of meals are featured in the plan?

The plan features a variety of meals, including protein-packed breakfasts like protein smoothies and scrambled eggs, hearty lunches such as grilled chicken salads and tuna wraps, and balanced dinners like baked salmon and tofu stir-fry. Snacks include Greek yogurt with nuts, hummus with veggies, and protein bars to keep energy levels steady.

4. How many calories should be consumed daily on this meal plan?

Calorie intake varies based on individual needs, but a daily intake of 2,500 to 3,000 calories is generally recommended for muscle gain. This range ensures sufficient energy for intense callisthenics workouts and supports muscle recovery and growth. Adjustments should be made based on personal metabolic rate and activity level.

5. How can you customise the meal plan to suit specific dietary preferences or restrictions?

The meal plan can be easily customised to fit dietary preferences or restrictions by swapping out ingredients. For example, replace animal proteins with plant-based options like tofu, tempeh, or legumes for a vegetarian or vegan diet. Gluten-free grains can be used instead of whole grains, and lactose-free products can substitute dairy items. Always ensure replacements maintain the nutritional balance needed for muscle gain.

About The Author

Maurice Maffeo
Culinary Director, Delicut

Chef Maurice Maffeo has over 30 years of experience in the culinary world. He has been executive chef to top names in the middle east like Carlucios and Cafe Bateel and Strada Group of Restaurants in the UK.

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